近年来,大多数公司董事会成员都在考虑数字化转型. With the speed of innovation accelerating, 董事会可能需要分析如何在组织内优先考虑和管理数字化转型.
对于各种规模的组织来说,数字化转型的剧本正在发生变化. 企业正从注重运营和效率的数字化转向更加数字化的思维方式, which means disrupting models within industries and doing things differently. And contrary to popular belief, digital transformation is not just about technology; instead, it encompasses people, process and technology.
技术 evolves very quickly, 当人们看到什么是可能的,以及消费者和员工的需求变化有多快时, it’s natural to feel left behind. 然而, 董事会可以采取措施弥补数字领域的不足,并利用创新在竞争中获得优势.